Pirate captain as Prime Minister?

Anna Margrét Björnsson

Anna Margrét Björnsson

Mbl.is TV met with Birgitta Jónsdóttir, MP for the Pirate Party at Parliament today following the news that the Pirates have become Iceland's leading political party according to the latest polls with 23.4%"of people saying that they would vote for the Pirates if the election were held today.

Jónsdóttir says that she does not want to become Prime Minister and if the Pirates were to receive this number of votes in the next general elections the party would not be likely to form a coalition government with the ruling parties, the Independence Party and the Progressive Party. 

The results of the poll were a surprise but Jónsdóttir believes that the general public are sick of the current state of affairs in Iceland and seeking change. 

Related stories: 

Pirates are now Iceland's most popular political party

Poll: Pirates receive 23,4 percent in Iceland


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