Fascinating Fire at Dawn: Video

Vala Hafstað

Early Sunday morning, photographer Ívar Eyþórsson visited the eruption site on the Reykjanes peninsula, Southwest Iceland, to film the eruption with a drone, mbl.is reports.

We invite you to watch the amazing video, showing the eruption in Geldingadalur, Fagradalsfjall mountain, at dawn. The colorful patterns of the lava stream are simply out of this world - the abundant energy unbelievable.

Ívar tells mbl.is the eruption was much larger than he had expected.

“This was my first time ever seeing an eruption – an unbelievable experience that has no comparison,” he states.

After taking the long hike up to the area, he stresses the importance of being warmly dressed, wearing good hiking boots, and taking a snack along. The hike from Suðurstrandarvegur road took about two hours and included some steep mountain slopes.

This afternoon and evening, people have been advised not to visit the area, due to high pollution levels.

Yesterday, rescue teams worked relentlessly in inclement weather at staking a hiking trail from Suðurstrandarvegur road to the eruption site. This is a shorter hike than Ívar took – about an hour and a half each way, or a 7-km (4.3-mi) roundtrip.

You can follow Ívar on Instagram:

Photo/Ívar Eyþórsson

Photo/Ívar Eyþórsson

Photo/Ívar Eyþórsson




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