People Urged not to Leave Town; 2-M Rule Nationwide

The Department of Civil Protection and Emergency Management urges people …

The Department of Civil Protection and Emergency Management urges people in the capital area not to travel outside the area for the coming two to three weeks. Magnússon

Vala Hafstað

New rules regarding disease prevention in Iceland take effect tomorrow, October 20. These will be in effect through November 9.

For the most part, the rules are an extension of those imposed October 5 and 7, but in some cases stricter rules will apply outside the capital area than before. Rules in the capital area remain stricter than elsewhere when it comes to sports.

As of tomorrow, the 2-meter social distancing rule will apply in the whole county, as will the requirement to use face masks wherever that rule cannot be respected, such as in stores.

The maximum number of people allowed to gather at once remains 20. Up to 50 people will, however, be allowed to attend funerals.

No spectators are allowed at sports events, neither indoors nor outdoors.

Outside the capital area, contact sports will be allowed, indoor as well as outdoors.

In the capital area, all contact sports for preschool and grade school students will be prohibited.

Swimming lessons will be prohibited in the capital area.

Non-contact sports will be permitted in the capital area, as long as the 2-meter rule is respected and no more than 20 people gather at once.

In the capital area,  practices and competitions involving contact sports will be prohibited, indoors as well as outdoors - for children as well as adults.

The Department of Civil Protection and Emergency Management urges people in the capital area not to travel outside the area for the coming two to three weeks, reports. Winter break is coming up in schools, often accompanied by travel.

Most of the recently confirmed cases of COVID-19 have been concentrated in the capital area. Therefore, in an effort to prevent further spread of the disease, the Department stresses the importance of not leaving town.

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