Twenty-One Suns Shine on Icelandic Weather Map

The forecast for today. Count the suns.

The forecast for today. Count the suns. Map/Icelandic Met Office

Vala Hafstað

It is a rare sight to see 21 suns shining on the Icelandic weather map, but such is the case today. Sunny skies are forecast all over the country, with highs ranging from 11-23°C (52-73°F).

A heat record for the summer was set in Iceland yesterday, when the temperature reached 26.3°C (79.3°F) in Neskaupstaður, the East Fjords. Seyðisfjörður, slightly farther north, came in a close second with 26.1°C (79°F).

From Neskaupstaður.

From Neskaupstaður. Photo/Hlynur Sveinsson

Although we have plenty of sunshine today, there is nonetheless a yellow weather alert in effect until 6 pm for the West Fjords, Northwest, Northeast and Southeast Iceland, due to gusty, near gale-force winds.

Wind gusts could exceed 25 meters/second in the West Fjords and Northwest Iceland and reach up to 30 meters/second in Northeast Iceland. In Southeast Iceland, wind gusts of up to 25 m/second are expected by and east of Öræfajökull glacier.

In all these areas, conditions are hazardous for vehicles, such as campers and RVs.

The Icelandic Met Office notes that wet weather conditions in the western part of the country have caused rivers and streams to swell. Therefore, travelers are urged to show extreme caution when crossing unbridged rivers. This applies in the southern highlands as well.

Temperatures will remain fairly warm through Monday. On Tuesday, the highs will range only from 9 to 14°C. Shorts will be back in the drawer.




4 °C


Later today

5 °C



7 °C