Unusually Warm Weather Ahead
Unusually warm weather is in the maps for Iceland today and tomorrow. The forecast calls for calm, variable winds, with mostly sunny skies today, but possibly fog in coastal areas. Temperatures will range between 10°and 18° C (50-64°F), warmest inland.
Tomorrow, we’ll see northwesterly winds of 3-10 m/sec. The forecast calls for fog along the west coast, but sunny conditions elsewhere. Temperatures will range from 13 to 23°C (55-73°F), warmest in South Iceland. Tomorrow afternoon, clouds will be moving into the northeast, bringing along light rain.
As recently as three days ago meteorologists were warning people in the northeast of trecherous driving conditions on mountain roads, due to sleet and snow. Therefore, the warm temperatures are sure to be appreciated by residents in that part of the country.
Residents in the capital area have recently enjoyed one sunny day after another. They’ve even had to water their lawns and flowers – something they never once had to do last summer, when the sun rarely made an appearance and the clouds seemed to be crying inconsolably most of the time.
You can follow the latest weather forecast on en.vedur.is.