WOW air lay off 350 staff

A great number of people lost their jobs at WOW …

A great number of people lost their jobs at WOW air today.

WOW air have laid off altogether 350 staff. These are 111 full time staff and the rest are summer staff and contractors. 

In November 237 employees of Airport Associates were mae redundant also in connection with WOW when news broke that the merger of WOW and Icelandair wouldn't go through. 

WOW air are hoping that those laid off today at the company will get a chance to work there again in the future. WOW airplanes will be reduced from 20 to 11. 

"This is the hardest day in the history of WOW air," said Skúli Mogensen CEO of WOW air in an announcement. "I wish there was a nother way but the fact is that we have to turnaround our company and get it back into doing well before we can start to build it up again."




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