Lýsi now marketed in the US

This is what the packaging will look like for the …

This is what the packaging will look like for the US market. Photo/Mbl.is

Icelandic Trademark Holding,owner of the trademarks Icelandic, Icelandic Seafood and Margildi ehf., have signed a licencing contract for the marketing and sale of Icelandic fish oil using the brand name Icelandic Fish Oil in the US. Distrubution and sale will commence later this year.

"The growing consumer intereste in Iceland and Icelandic products has brought us great opportunities to expand and allows companies to have trademarks and packaging with strong references to their Icelandic origin says CEO of Icelandic Trademark Holding, Herdís Fjeldsted. 

  Furthermore, they add that the surge in health products means that consumers are aware of the health benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids in Lýsi (fish liver oil) that are produced from clean and sustainable ingredients. 




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