Weather Warnings for Most of Iceland

Map/Icelandic Met Office

Vala Hafstað

The Icelandic Met Office has issued yellow weather alerts for most parts of the country, taking effect this evening, some of them remaining in effect until noon tomorrow, reports.

A north gale or strong gale with wind speeds of up to 25 m/sec is forecast, with snow and blowing snow, poor visibility and deteriorating driving conditions. Traveling may become hazardous, and in the central highlands, no travel is advised.

The storm will first hit the West Fjords at 9 pm, then move into the Breiðafjörður bay region by 10 pm, and gradually move eastward from there, affecting the whole country, except for the Southwest corner. For a detailed forecast, go to


Partly cloudy


-7 °C

Clear sky


-2 °C

Clear sky


-4 °C