Fabulous Swirl of Fire in Lava Stream: Video

Vala Hafstað

The eruption by Fagradalsfjall mountain, Southwest Iceland, never ceases to amaze us. Theodór Kr. Þórðarson, former chief superintendent and reporter for Morgunblaðið, witnessed a swirl of fire form in the hot lava stream Wednesday morning, mbl.is reports. Luckily, he caught the phenomenon on video.

To him, it resembled a magnificent fireworks show. “As I stood there, watching the eruption itself, I began hearing a hissing sound farther down the lava stream,” he states. “I had previously seen short videos of the phenomenon and suspected what was going on. But this was by far the largest one we saw.”

It moved against the current and hurled those large chunks of lava around,” he relates. “It gave me an uneasy feeling when it looked like it would continue farther uphill. But this was like a private show for those of us who stood there. Then it was over.”

This was Theodór’s first visit to the eruption site. He states that being there in person is quite different from watching it on TV. “I was completely spellbound,” he states.




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