Balancing Act on Beautiful Ridge

Members of Fjallavinir, hiking along Uppgönguhryggur ridge. Click on the …

Members of Fjallavinir, hiking along Uppgönguhryggur ridge. Click on the picture for a better view. Photo:Arnar Egilsson

Vala Hafstað

A group of hikers, Fjallavinir, recently hiked through the Fjallabak natural reserve into Landmannalaugar, the Icelandic central highlands – a distance of 21 km (13 mi).

They hiked up Halldórsgil and waded across Jökulkvísl river, from where they continued to Grænihryggur. There, they waded across another stream and up Uppgönguhryggur ridge, where this picture was taken, ending up in Landmannalaugar.

Keeping your balance and concentration is essential on the ridge’s narrow path, since the slopes are steep on either side – not a place for those who are afraid of heights.


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