Blue Lagoon to Reopen June 19

The Blue Lagoon - empty of water and tourists.

The Blue Lagoon - empty of water and tourists. Magnússon

Vala Hafstað

Iceland’s most popular tourist destination, the Blue Lagoon, will be reopening June 19. The lagoon has been closed since March 23, due to a ban on public gatherings, imposed to contain the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.

As you can see in the picture above, taken by Morgunblaðiðs photographer Kristinn Magnússon yesterday, the lagoon is empty of water while workers take care of maintenance and renovation. It takes 48 hours to fill the lagoon again - with water, that is. Filling it up with tourists will likely take longer.

Iceland is getting ready to open its borders June 15, after which tourists will start trickling in.




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