Earthquake points to continuing seismic activity in Öræfajökull



Three earthquakes have occurred in the last 36 hours in South East Iceland. Two of them in Bárðarbunga and one in Öræfajökull of a magnitude just over 3.0.  The earthquake in Öræfajökull is the sixth earthquake of that size to have occurred since measurements began. 

Elísabet Pálmadóttir, seismologist at the Iceland Met Office however stresses that there is no need to worry about Bárðarbunga as there has been continuous seismic activity in the area. "Nothing points to this increasing."

The earthquake in Öræfajökull however is more unusual. "Only six earthquake of this magnitude have been detected since measurements began, and four of them this year." 

The earthquake was felt in many places in Öræfi last night. "The earthquake is a sign of continuing activity in Öræfajökull and typical of a volcano preparing for an eruption."

The Iceland Civil Protection unit will be meeting over the matter over the next few days and the Iceland Met Office will continue to monitor the area closely. 


Light drizzle


4 °C


Later today

5 °C



4 °C