Four British teenagers cross Iceland on foot

The youngsters are pulling their supplies on sledges across Iceland.

The youngsters are pulling their supplies on sledges across Iceland. Screenshot/Vimeo

Four young British men just set off on a 400 kilometre hike across Iceland on foot, an expedition they call The Coldest Crossing. 

Charlie Smith, Ang­us Dowie, Stef­an Rijn­beek and Archie Wil­son will be pulling their supplies on home made sledges and their journey is being filmed by filmmaker Taylor Rees. 

The teenagers are accompanied by mountaineer Renan Ozturk and more about the expedition can be read on Gear Junkie and their journey can be followed HERE. 

The group of young adventurers want to be the first group of people to cross Iceland in winter without external support and they want to incite young people to spend more time in nature and to have more adventurous travels. 

The Coldest Crossing | Pilot from The Coldest Crossing on Vimeo.




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