Iceland adventures: Caving trips

Iceland's stunning network of caves are formed either by volcanic activity, glacial movements and excavations or along the coastlines and range in size from small to gigantic.

Caving is a wonderful experience to literally see inside the bowels of Iceland but should never be done alone and without an experienced tour guide at all times.

Guides can offer a huge range of tours that may also include abseiling and rock climbing, or for those feeling less adventurous simply just a walk-around tour.

Several caves are close to Reykjavik. In the beautiful Heiðmörk nature reserve there are caves called Maríuhellar, and around 40 minutes drive from Reykjavik is the famous Leiðarendi lava tube cave. 

Caving tours should always be taken accompanied by a guide, wearing helmets and using torchlights. There are plenty of great caving tours all over Iceland, so check out our Explore Iceland section HERE. 




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