Christmas at Árbær Open Air Museum

Christmas lads.

Christmas lads. Photo/Árbæjarsafn

Vala Hafstað

The Árbær Open Air Museum in Reykjavík offers visitors diverse entertainment the two coming Sundays: December 15 and 22. The program is scheduled between 1 and 4 pm.

There will be traditional activities, such as the singing of popular songs and dancing around the Christmas tree. The Icelandic Christmas lads will be out and about, too, peeping through windows and making the usual mischief.

From Árbær Open Air Museum.

From Árbær Open Air Museum. Photo/Árbæjarsafn

There will be a variety of activities taking place within the different houses of the museum. Guests have the option of making traditional Icelandic leaf bread, spinning yarn or trying their hand at knitting. In one of the houses, family members are invited to make traditional Icelandic Christmas decorations. You can even get a taste of traditional Icelandic hangikjöt (smoked lamb) or practice whittling.

From Árbær Open Air Museum.

From Árbær Open Air Museum. Photo/Árbæjarsafn

In one of the houses, skate - a type of fish famous for its strong smell - will be cooking in the pot, while in another one it will be possible to get Christmas cards printed. You can get a glimpse of candle-making or even stock up on confectionary and a variety of Christmas goods.

The main events scheduled for December 15 and 22 are as follows:

2 pm: Church service

3 pm: Singing and dancing around the Christmas tree

2-4 pm: Entertainment with the Christmas lads

Admission for 18 and older is ISK 1,700 and free for children and people with disabilities.




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