Pagans celebrate first day of summer

A pagan celebration at the solar eclipse in Öskjuhlíð.

A pagan celebration at the solar eclipse in Öskjuhlíð.

The Ásatrú society in Iceland will be celebrating the first day of summer which according to Icelandic tradition takes place this Thursday. The pagan summer ritual, or "blót" takes place in Klambratún park in central Reykjavik, in the concave grassy area east of the art museum. The event is family orientated. 

The sanctification ceremony begins at 2.p.m and afterwards, pagans will host a barbecue and there will be balloons for younger guests. Everyone is most welcome to attend, says a Facebook announcement for the event. 

The logo of the Ásatrú society in Iceland.

The logo of the Ásatrú society in Iceland.

Klambratún park in central Reykjavík on a summer's day. Unforunately …

Klambratún park in central Reykjavík on a summer's day. Unforunately the weather forecast is for colder temperatures and possible snow showers. Styrmir Kári


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-3 °C

Partly cloudy

Later today

-1 °C

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1 °C

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