
Young Woman Missing in Reykjavik

Thomas Møller Olsen at the Icelandic high court.

A 19 year prison sentence for murderer of Birna Brjánsdóttir

23 Nov 2018 Greenlander Thomas Møller Ol­sen has been sentenced to 19 years in prison for the murder of Birna Brjánsdóttir in January 2017 by the Icelandic high court. This verdict by the Icelandic court confirms the decision of the Reykjanes District Court made last year, a verdict which Møller Ol­sen appealed to the high court.

Thomas Møller Olsen this morning at court.

Principal proceedings in Thomas Møller Ol­sen case begin today

29 Oct 2018 Principal proceedings against Thomas Møller Ol­sen begin today at the Icelandic national court. Møller Ol­sen was sentenced to nineteen years imprisonment for the murder of Birna Brjánsdóttir in January last year but appealed the case at the Icelandic national court.

Thomas Olsen at the Reykjanes district court last year. He was sentenced to 19 years in prison.

Birna murder case soon back to court

20 Sep 2018 Thomas Møller Ol­sen, who was sentenced to nineteen years imprisonment for the murder of Birna Brjánsdóttir in January last year and for a drug smuggling offence will be appearing before the Icelandic national court to whom he appealed the case.

Crew members of Polar Nanoq place wreath on Birna Brjánsdóttir's grave

Crew members of Polar Nanoq place wreath on Birna Brjánsdóttir's grave

20 Mar 2018 Crew members of Greenlandic trawler Polar Nanoq recently bought a wreath for the grave of Birna Brjánsdóttir to commemorate a year since her death.

Birna Brjánsdóttir was murdered in January in a case that shook the nation.

Birna's mother: "Not right to connect these terrible events to Birna's memory"

12 Oct 2017 It isn't right to connect the terrible events that occurred for Birna Brjánsdóttir to her memory. She was an innocent person who did nothing wrong and had never hurt anybody. She was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time and met with a dreadful fate. Birna's mother Silla Hreinsdóttir appeared on news programme Kastljós last night and said that she didn't want the case to be named the Birna case.

Thomas Möller Olsen brought before judges in August.

Greenlandic man sentenced to 19 years in prison for murder of Birna Brjánsdóttir

29 Sep 2017 Thomas Möller Olsen has been found guilty of the murder of Birna Brjánsdóttir in January this year. He was sentenced to 19 years in prison at the Reykjanes district court today.

Ni­kolaj Ol­sen at Reykjanes District Court last week.

Birna murder case: Nikolaj was very drunk says witness

1 Sep 2017 Nikolaj Wilhelm Herluf Olsen, fellow crew member to Thomas Møller Ol­sen who stands accused of murdering Birna Brjánsdóttir on the morning of January 14th, was extremely drunk, says a witness who works at The English Pub.

The first clue in the case of missing Birna Brjánsdóttir was the red Ria Kio, which appeared on security cameras at Hafnarfjörður harbour where Greenlandic vessel, the Polar Nanoq was docked.

Murder trial: Birna's blood was all over the vehicle

22 Aug 2017 Puddles of blood were found in the back seat of the red Kia Rio car which was rented by Thomas Møller Ol­sen and Ni­kolaj Wil­helm Her­luf Olsen, the vehicle which Birna entered into on Laugavegur on the night of January 14th. Police testify that there was so much blood that it was visible straight away inside the vehicle when the found it.

Thomas Møller Olsen covering his face from photographers at the Reykjanes district court today.

Murder trial: Police deny putting pressure on suspects

21 Aug 2017 Nikolaj Wilhelm Herluf Olsen was ruled out as suspect in the case of the murder of Birna Brjánsdóttir for a number of reasons, one of them being that none of Birna's DNA was found on his clothing whereas DNA was found on Thomas Olsen's clothing. The policeman in charge of the interrogation denies that any pressure was put on the suspects to confess to a crime.

Olsen says it's impossible that he hurt Birna in any way

21 Aug 2017 When Thomas Møller Olsen was cross examined by his defandant just before noon he says that he did not hurt Birna Brjánsdóttir.

The hearing took place this morning at the Reykjanes district court.

Birna murder trial: "Suddenly this girl entered the car"

21 Aug 2017 Thomas Møller Olsen, accused of murdering Birna Brjánsdóttir, has just made his testimony at the Reykjanes district court and his story has completely changed.

Thomas Møller Olsen at court this morning.

Main hearing in Birna murder case begins

21 Aug 2017 The main hearing in the case against Thomas Møller Olsen, accused of murdering Birna Brjánsdóttitr in January and dumping her body in the ocean began this morning at 9.15.

Kolbrún Benediktsdóttir, deputy district attorney, outside the courtroom today.

Bombarded with calls from the media

18 Jul 2017 Crew members of the Greenlandic trawler Polar Nanoq continue to testify in court on the actions of defendant, Thomas Möller Olsen, during the hours surrounding the death of Birna Brjánsdóttir in January.

Polar Nanoq's crew members waiting outside the courtroom today.

Turned off the internet and lied about an engine malfunction

18 Jul 2017 Crew members of the Greenlandic trawler Polar Nanoq continue to testify in court on the actions of defendant, Thomas Möller Olsen, during the hours surrounding the death of Birna Brjánsdóttir in January.

Crew members of Polar Nanoq are giving their statements in court today.

Broke down after receiving a text message

18 Jul 2017 Crew members of the Greenlandic trawler Polar Nanoq continue to testify in court on the actions of defendant, Thomas Möller Olsen, during the hours surrounding the death of Birna Brjánsdóttir in January.


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