Guðni Th. Jóhannesson, President of Iceland, plogging outside the Presidential residence at Bessastaðir.

Icelandic President found plogging at Presidential Residence

News Tagged with “Guðni Th. Jóhannesson”
Guðni Th. Jóhannesson and his Canadian wife Eliza Reid.

President and First Lady visit Harvard

26 Jan 2018 Guðni Th. Jóhannesson, President of Iceland, will today be visiting Harvard University in the US. He is accompanied by his wife Eliza Reid. Reid will be speaking to students and staff about women's rights in Iceland.

Guðni Th. Jóhannesson, President of Iceland.

President gives no new mandate to form government

13 Dec 2016 After three failed personal mandates to form a majority government in Iceland, the President has decided – for the second time – to give no specific mandate for the time being.

Katrín Jakobsdóttir speaking to journalists after her meeting with the President.

Second leader gives up on forming Iceland government

25 Nov 2016 Leader of Iceland’s Left-Green Movement Katrín Jakobsdóttir has formally renounced the presidential mandate given to her to form a majority government to rule Iceland.

Guðni Th. Jóhannesson, President of Iceland wearing Buff headwear in the wind and rain yesterday.

Icelandic President causes Twitter sensation with his Buff headwear

13 Nov 2016 President Guðni Th. Jóhannesson is enjoying great popularity among the nation for his laid-back attitude and unpresidential air. He's been spotted biking his kids to school, picking up Domino's pizza, and now, wearing Buff headwear to an official function.

The two leaders going into their meeting with Bjarni Benediktsson.

Two of Iceland’s seven parties form coalition talk alliance

3 Nov 2016 Bright Future and Regeneration – two parties in the centre of the Icelandic political spectrum – have decided to join forces for the purposes of ongoing talks to form a new government.

President of Iceland, Guðni Th. Jóhannesson.

Iceland’s President to give up hefty pay rise?

2 Nov 2016 “I expect the Iceland parliament to reverse this decision,” he told reporters, indicating that his pay rise would not be going into his pocket, but “elsewhere”.

President Jóhannesson (left) and Bjarni Benediktsson (right).

Leader of Iceland’s right given mandate to form government

2 Nov 2016 Leader of Iceland’s Independence Party Bjarni Benediktsson will be given first crack of the whip at forming a new national government, it has just been announced.

Iceland's Parliament, Alþingi.

Icelandic MPs to get 44% pay rise

1 Nov 2016 The 63 new MPs sitting in Iceland’s national parliament (‘Alþingi’) can look forward to a new salary of nearly €9,000 per month, thanks to a 44% pay rise granted to them by the State pay authority National Remuneration Board (link in Icelandic) on election day.

President Jóhannesson (left) talking to Bjarni Benediktsson (right), leading of the victorious Independence Party this morning.

President sounding out party leaders to give coalition mandate

31 Oct 2016 The President of Iceland Guðni Th. Jóhannesson has convened the leaders of all political parties represented in the new Icelandic parliament to the presidential residential of Bessastaðir today.

The President and First Lady of Iceland.

Euro 2016 stab victim to take coffee with President of Iceland

5 Oct 2016 The young British police officer who fell victim to a vicious knife attack while supporting Iceland at Euro 2016 in France is to visit the President of Iceland for coffee tomorrow.

Guðni Th. Jóhannesson, President of Iceland, has now moved with his family to the presidential residence at Bessastaðir which has gone through some renovation and repair work.

Iceland President cycles to school with his children

30 Sep 2016 New Icelandic President, Guðni Th.Jóhannesson has been true to his words in the presidential campaign when he said he would retain a "normal" life and cycle to school with his kids.

Kristófer Acox during last night's game.

President sorry for Iceland basketball player ‘Good Luck’ gaffe

1 Sep 2016 Iceland’s new President caused a minor stir at last night’s basketball international against Switzerland by address a member of the Icelandic national team in English.

Iceland President sends condolences to Italy

25 Aug 2016 The President of Iceland has sent a message of condolence to his Italian counterpart following yesterday’s devastating earthquake, which is now believed to have killed almost 250 people.

The President receiving a hug at the end of his half-marathon.

President among runners in Reykjavik Marathon

22 Aug 2016 Iceland’s new President Guðni Th. Jóhannesson was among the 15,000 people participating in the 33rd Reykjavik Marathon this weekend.

Eliza Reid and Guðni Th. Jóhanesson at Sólheimar today.

New Iceland President visits Ecovillage

3 Aug 2016 The first official visit by President Guðni Th.Jóhannesson was to the Sólheimar Ecovillage in South Iceland today.


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