From the Grímsvötn area in  Vatnajökull glacier.

Is Eruption Imminent in Grímsvötn?

News Tagged with “Volcanoes”
The former residence of the sheriff is already covered in ash.

Vík í Mýrdal Covered in Volcanic Ash

24 Apr 2020 The residents of Vík í Mýrdal welcome the prospect of volcanic ash over the coming weeks.

Eyjafjallajökull Eruption Remembered

18 Apr 2020 Ten years ago this week, an eruption began in a crater under the ice cap of Eyjafjallajökull glacier.

The Blue Lagoon is located just north of Þorbjörn mountain.

Measurements Show no Magma near Surface

30 Jan 2020 There is no indication of magma having accumulated near the surface of the earth in the vicinity of Grindavík, Southwest Iceland.

Grindavík, with Þorbjörn mountain in the background.

Grindavík Monitored Closely

29 Jan 2020 In order to better monitor developments in the Reykjanes peninsula, Southwest Iceland, where scientists suspect that magna may be accumulating underneath the earth’s surface, additional monitoring equipment has been installed.

Seismic activity in Reykjanes. Green stars represent quakes in excess of magnitude 3.

Seismic Activity in Reykjanes Presented in 3D

29 Jan 2020 Bæring Gunnar Steinþórsson, computer scientist, has designed an interesting video, where seismic activity in Reykjanes is presented in 3D.

Þorbjörn mountain, located between Grindavík and the Blue Lagoon.

Planning to Be Prepared for the Worst

28 Jan 2020 “Many people are no doubt worried and anxious about the situation.”

From yesterday's town meeting in Grindavík.

‘We Cannot Take any Chances’

28 Jan 2020 Yesterday’s town meeting in Grindavík, on the Reykjanes peninsula, was very well attended.

The Blue Lagoon. Þorbjörn mountain is on the right. Scientists report that magma is possibly accumulating west of the mountain.

Blue Lagoon Reviews Contingency Plan

27 Jan 2020 The Blue Lagoon has reviewed its preparedness and contingency plans in response to reports of possible magma accumulation west of the nearby Þorbjörn mountain.

Seismic activity on Reykjanes. The dots show the location of the tremors.

Yellow Aviation Color Code for Reykjanes

27 Jan 2020 Due to an unusually rapid inflation of the earth’s surface, suggesting the possibility of magma accumulation west of Þorbjörn mountain, a phase of uncertainty has been declared on the Reykjanes peninsula.

Every Icelandic Volcano on One Website

30 Nov 2019 Did you know there is a website where you can look up information regarding every single volcano in Iceland?

Surtsey island. The assistants will take pictures from the air.

Scientists and Flying Assistants to Surtsey

9 Jul 2019 A group of scientists will be traveling to Surtsey island later this month, bringing along two flying assistants, one of them winged.

An areal view with Katla on the easternmost part of the photograph.

Sunday Times apologize for Katla eruption story

2 Oct 2018 British newspaper The Sunday Times have apologized for their cover story of an imminent eruption in the Katla volcano in Iceland, a story that was factually incorrect. Volcanologist Evgenia Ilyinskaya who was interviewed in the story was misquoted and demanded a correction.


Earthquake points to continuing seismic activity in Öræfajökull

2 Oct 2018 Three earthquakes have occurred in the last 36 hours in South East Iceland. Two of them in Bárðarbunga and one in Öræfajökull of a magnitude just over 3.0. The earthquake in Öræfajökull is the sixth earthquake of that size to have occurred since measurements began.


Katla eruption: "We're used to these kinds of news reports"

25 Sep 2018 The Promote Iceland office say they're used to blown-up news about imminent eruptions in Iceland. A Sunday Times article on the weekend received criticism from the volcanologist interviewed in it, saying she was misquoted and that it was factually wrong.

Katla, Iceland's most notorious volcano.

Volcanologist unhappy about Sunday Times Katla report

24 Sep 2018 Volcanologist Evgenia Ilyinskaya is very unhappy about a Sunday Times article which appeared this weekend titled "Giant Iceland Katla about to erupt."


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