Nigerian asylum seeking family to be deported

Sunday, Mary and Joy will be deported to Nigeria.

Sunday, Mary and Joy will be deported to Nigeria. Magnússon

The Immigration and Asylum appeals board in Iceland has denied the appeal of Nigerian couple Sunday Iserian and Joy Lucky, and their eight year old daughter to stay in Iceland. The family will be deported to Nigeria, 

The family received this news yesterday after living in Iceland after a year and a half. 

Iserian appealed for political asylum due to threats he says he received from the current government and Joy Lucky was a victim of sexual slavery while pregnant with their daughter Mary. 

The news of the the rejection of their application met with some furor in Iceland and an online petition  was set up  for them to be able to stay in the country. 

The Ombudsman for Children in Iceland had made a statement to say that they are concerned about the welfare of children seeking in asylum in Iceland. 


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