Icelandic Government condemns Trump's immigration ban

Demonstrators protest President Donald Trump's executive immigration ban at O'Hare …

Demonstrators protest President Donald Trump's executive immigration ban at O'Hare International Airport on January 29, 2017 in Chicago, Illinois. US President Trump signed the controversial executive order that halted refugees and residents from predominantly Muslim countries from entering the United States. / AFP PHOTO / Joshua LOTT Photo/ AFP

The Ministry for Foreign Affairs in Iceland has issued a statement condemning Donald Trumps executive order on immigration.

Minister for Foreign Affairs says in the statement that closing borders for people fleeing war, discrimnating against people based on nationality and religon is the wrong way to improve security and sends the wrong message. "Immigrants and refugees provide a human resource and a wide range of experience which enriches communities."

"Immigrants and refugees provide a human resource and a wide …

"Immigrants and refugees provide a human resource and a wide range of experience which enriches communities," says Foreign Minister Þórðarson. Iceland Monitor/ Eggert Jóhannesson

Three Icelandic Ministers have commented on President Trump's executive order about immigration.  Minister of Health Óttarr Proppé, Minister of Finance Benedikt Jóhannesson and Minister for Foreign Affairs Guðlaugur Þór Þórðarsson have all disapproved strongly of his actions. Jóhannesson calls the actions ignorant and hasty.

"Icelanders must all support freedom and show their disapproval of Trump's actions," Jóhannesson, who is party leader of Regeneration, wrote on his Facebook page.

"Ignorant," writes Benedikt Jóhannesson, Minister of Finance.

"Ignorant," writes Benedikt Jóhannesson, Minister of Finance. Jóhannesson

Health Minister Óttarr Proppé also wrote a public Facebook statement: We must all protest! What a tragedy to have to experience the prejudice and evil shown by the new President of the United States towards immigrants and refugees. The free world must unite in condemnation of his actions. "

Minister for Foreign Affairs, Guðlaugur Þór Þórðarsson writes on Twitter,  " Fighting # terrorism is a priority, but discriminatory # travelban to # US on the basis of religion or race only makes matters worse."

"We must all protest"" Health Minister Proppé urges Icelanders.

"We must all protest"" Health Minister Proppé urges Icelanders. Iceland Monitor/ Eggert Jóhannesson


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