Iceland’s Pirates losing support in run-up to elections

Birgitta Jónsdóttir, one of the Pirate Party's three current MPs.

Birgitta Jónsdóttir, one of the Pirate Party's three current MPs. Photo: Iceland Monitor/Eggert

Latest opinion poll figures from MMR show that Iceland’s Pirate party is bleeding votes, with a fall of over 4 points in just one month.

Leading the polls now is the centre-right Independence Party (‘Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn’), with 24.6%. The Independence Party is one of Iceland’s current two-party governing coalition.

MORE: Politics in Iceland: A beginner’s guide

Support for the Pirates has fallen 4.4 points to 22.4%, the party’s lowest score since February 2015. General elections will take place in Iceland on 29 October.




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