Ocean View Property Near Reykjavík Listed for Sale

Vala Hafstað

A unique property with an ocean view, located on Seltjarnarnes point, near Reykjavík, has been listed for sale, mbl.is reports. The two-story house, built in 1974, measures 337 m2 (about 3,600 sq ft). It was designed by architect Vífill Magnússon and includes two extra apartments that could be rented out. In addition, it includes a very large room with a sloping ceiling.

The interior is mostly white, adorned with colorful artwork and quality furniture.

The owners request offers for the property, which has a property tax value of ISK 173,550,000 (USD 1,360,000; EUR 1,200,000).

Right next to the property is the so-called Kjarvalshús house — built in 1969 for one of Iceland’s best-known painter, Jóhannes S. Kjarval, and given to him as a gift from the Icelandic nation.

For further information, see here .


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