Hot Water Shortage in Parts of Reykjavík Today

Laugardalslaug swimming pool is closed today.

Laugardalslaug swimming pool is closed today. Björk

Vala Hafstað

Due to a hot water main being connected, the Laugardalslaug swimming pool in Reykjavík is closed today, reports. There will be low hot water pressure in the following parts of the capital today: Vogahverfi, Laugarás and Laugardalur, and no hot water in the most elevated parts of these districts. School buildings in these areas could get cold.

World Class Laugar fitness center has warned its customers that showers could be cold today. Hreyfing fitness center will shut off water to showers and hot tubs today.

No hot shower after the workout today at World Class …

No hot shower after the workout today at World Class Laugar or Hreyfing. Kári

A new hot water main is being connected by the bridges of Elliðaár rivers – a main that supplies the aforementioned parts of town with most of their hot water. To minimize inconvenience to consumers, hot water is distributed to these areas through other channels, which are less effective. Thus, the low pressure and possible lack of hot water in the most elevated areas.

The work began at 6 am, when pipes were emptied. The new main should be connected by 8 pm tonight. It will take a while for pressure to increase to former levels.

Residents are advised to keep their windows shut and to close front doors behind them as quickly as possible to conserve heat. If you have no hot water, make sure your faucets are shut to prevent accidents or flood damage once the hot water is back on.


Partly cloudy


3 °C

Light rain


6 °C



5 °C