Free Bus Today for Air Quality

Bus rides are free today in Reykjavík.

Bus rides are free today in Reykjavík.

Vala Hafstað

Strætó bus service offers free rides in Reykjavík today. This is done to counter high levels of suspended particulate matter in the air, due to calm winds in recent days.  Residents are encouraged to leave their cars at home today, and in coming days, and to use instead public transport, ride their bikes or walk.

In order to get a free ride, you must first download the Strætó app and claim your free day pass. Excellent instructions on how to download and use the app are here in English. Strætó expects that offering free rides costs the company ISK 3 million a day (USD 25,100; EUR 22,400). 

Studded tires are among the factors blamed for increasing levels of suspended particulate matter in the air. The City of Reykjavík strongly encourages car owners to replace their studded tires with summer tires as soon as possible. Studded tires are not permitted April 15 through November 1, and violators can expect a fine of ISK 80,000 (USD 670; EUR 597).

Ambient air quality is expected to remain unusually poor in coming days. You can monitor air quality at different locations in Iceland at

When the wind is calm, such as in recent days, the ambient air quality is the worst where traffic is heavy. City workers are busy dust binding arterial roads today.

City workers are busy dust binding arterial roads.

City workers are busy dust binding arterial roads.




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