Fancy a breast muffin?

The 2017 breast muffin.

The 2017 breast muffin.

Bakers of the Icelandic Association of Bakers will offer special breast muffins in their bakeries over the next weekend. The muffin will be topped with buttercream to make it resemble a breast.

The association has sold breast muffins over the Mother’s Day weekend over the past six years in support of charity “Göngum Saman”, which supports research into breast cancer. Mother's day in Iceland is on next Sunday.

In these six years the association has been selling the breast muffins they have gathered over 8 million ISK for the association “We plan to do even better this year, we’ve encouraged all bakers to participate. It’s great for us bakers to sell great muffins and support a great cause along the way,” says Jóhannes Felixson foreman of the Association.

Here’s a list of the bakeries that will sell the breast muffins over the weekend.

Bak­ara­meist­ar­inn - Reykjavik: Aust­ur­ver, Glæsi­bær, Hús­gagna­höll­in, Mjódd and Suður­ver. Kópavogur: Smáratorg. Hafnafjörður: Flatahraun

Bak­ar­inn - Ísaf­jörður

Björns­bakarí - Reykjavik: Aust­ur­strönd, Dal­braut, Fálka­gata and Hring­braut í Reykja­vík

Brauða- og köku­gerðin - Akra­nes

Brauðgerð Kr. Jóns­son­ar & Co. - Ak­ur­eyri

Geira­bakarí - Borg­ar­nes

Guðnabakarí - Sel­foss

Hjá Jóa Fel. - Reykjavik: JL húsið and Kringlan. Garðabær: Garðatorg. Kópavogur: Smáralind.

Köku­hornið – Kópavogur: Bæj­arlind

Köku­val - Hella

Mos­fells­bakarí – Reykjavik: Háaleitisbraut. Mosfellsbær: Háholt.

Okk­ar bakarí – Garðabær: Iðnbúð and Strik­ið

Sauðár­króks­bakarí - Sauðár­krókur

Sig­ur­jóns­bakarí - Kefla­vík

Stof­an bak­hús - Vest­manna­eyj­ar (The Westman Islands)

Sveins­bakarí - Reykjavik: Arn­ar­bakki, Engi­hjalli and Skip­holt

Val­geirs­bakarí - Njarðvík

Vort dag­legt brauð – Hafnarfjörður: Strand­gata in Hafnar­f­jörður


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