Police now know how murder of Birna was committed

Birna Brjánsdóttir fannst látin við Selvogsvita. Lögreglan segist hafa ákveðna …

Birna Brjánsdóttir fannst látin við Selvogsvita. Lögreglan segist hafa ákveðna hugmynd um hvar henni var komið í sjóinn. mbl.is/Hallur Már

Police believe they have found out how Birna Brjánsdóttir was murdered. Birna's funeral takes place on Friday at Hallgrímskirkja church in Reykjavik. 

Birna's parents have declined flowers and wreaths and would like people to donate money to the Landsbjörg SAR association instead. 

Over 700 SAR team members took part in the search for missing Birna Brjánsdóttir. 

Police officer Grímur Grímsson who heads the investigation says that the two men suspected of murder will be interrogated again tomorrow. 

Police now also have a more concise idea of where Birna's body was placed in the ocean. She was found washed ashore near Selvogsviti lighthouse some eight days after she was reported missing.  They will not yet disclose her cause of death. 

Vísir reports this morning that a Greenlandic woman had previously made charges against one of the suspects for rape. The charges were dismissed because of lack of evidence. 


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