Summer is not over!

Úrkomuspá klukkan 8 í fyrramálið. Búast má við mikilli vætu …

Úrkomuspá klukkan 8 í fyrramálið. Búast má við mikilli vætu yfir landinu næstu daga, en Teitur segir það ekki merki um að sumarið sé búið. Skjáskot/Veðurstofa Íslands

"All this talk of the summer being over is completely premature," says meterologist Teitur Arason at the Iceland Met Office. The weather in the past few days has been colder and wetter than in previous weeks. 

"Maybe it's quite a change for people to not see the sun as much, but just because we have some rain that doesn't mean that the summer is over," he says. 

The rain however will be staying for a few days. 

Rain forecast for August 10 - 16

 „Það verður frekar þungbúið á fimmtudag og föstudag en svo rofar aðeins til um helgina svo það verður meinlaust veður. Á sunnudag og mánudag kemur svo væntanlega önnur gusa af hlýju lofti úr sunnanátt.“ Thursday and Friday will be overcast and rainy but there will be a little sun on the weekend. On Monday more rain is expected, especially in the south and the south east, but north Iceland should see quite a lot of sun next week. 

Wind forecast for August 10-16 August


Light drizzle


8 °C


Later today

9 °C

Clear sky


8 °C

Warning: Yellow More