Over 340 search and rescue calls

ICE-SAR members at the scene in Grafarholt, Reykjavik, this evening.

ICE-SAR members at the scene in Grafarholt, Reykjavik, this evening. mbl.is/​Eggert

Icelandic search and rescue teams responded to over 340 calls on Monday according to Landsbjörg's, Icelandic Association for Search and Rescue (ICE-SAR), spokesperson Ólöf S. Baldursdóttir. The number is higher as it does not include the number of calls responded to in North Iceland and the West fjords.

About 770 ICE-SAR members have responded to calls and helped with road closure. The storm is moving towards North Iceland and SAR teams in Akureyri and Patreksfjörður are responding to calls tonight.





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