Around Iceland 2015: Mosfellsbær

Photo: Eggert Jóhannesson

Iceland’s national newspaper Morgunblaðið is on a six-week 2015 tour of Iceland!

The paper’s journalists and photographers will be bringing us news and images of everyday life, culture, business, nature, education, services and more from the four corners of the land. Today’s destination: Mosfellsbær.


Mosfellsbær is the seventh largest town in Iceland, with a population of just over 9,000. It is often known as ‘the green town’. It is part of the Greater Reykjavik area.

Mosfellsbær is roughly 12 km from Reykjavik.

Mosfellsbær is roughly 12 km from Reykjavik. Photo: Google Maps

Gardening is a labour of love for Mosfellsbær resident, Kristleifur Guðbjörnsson . He has cultivated his magnificent garden since 1974 and has a predilection for roses and lilies. The garden boasts some 150 types of rose and hundreds of bushed and other plants.

Some flowers last all through the summer.

Some flowers last all through the summer. Photo: Eggert

In the heart of Mosfellsbær is the famous Hlégarður building. A social venue since 1951, new management is currently renovating the building to host art and culturals events. The work includes a new restaurant and event and meeting facilities.

Renovations are expected to be completed in two years' time.

Renovations are expected to be completed in two years' time. Photo: Eggert Jóhannesson

Hraðastaðir has been a working farm since 1851. In recent summers, it has run a zoo and animal handling and riding lessons for children. As well as lambs (see below), the farm has rabbits, hens, cats, foxes, dogs, goats and horses.

The animals at Hraðastaðir farm are a big hit with …

The animals at Hraðastaðir farm are a big hit with the children. Photo: Golli / Kjartan Þorbjörnsson

Chicken production is an important part of Mosfellsbær’s economy and chicken will undoubtedly featurely heavily in this weekend’s annual Mosfellsbær local festival. 6,000 portions of chicken were consumer in just two hours last year.

Svanur Hafsteinsson serving up chicken at last year's festival.

Svanur Hafsteinsson serving up chicken at last year's festival. Photo: Mosfellingur

Check out Iceland Monitor for Morgunblaðið ’s next destination in Around Iceland 2015: Akranes.


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