Wearing the same clothes, every day for a month

Júlíanna Ósk Hafberg beliieves we're drowning in consumerism and embarked …

Júlíanna Ósk Hafberg beliieves we're drowning in consumerism and embarked on a social experiment in which she wears the same outfit every day for 38 days. Photo: Júlíanna Ósk Hafberg

"My idea is to buy less and use more, because there's just too much excess in the world," explains fashion design student Júlíanna Ósk Hafberg who decided to wear the same clothes for 38 days. 

"I am constantly aware of waste and sustainability. I think my life goal would be to live a zero waste life(possibly an upcoming experiment). I am constantly aware of what I throw out and what I buy, and the effects it has. These thoughts have been with me for many years, but I am getting more and more inspired by them to do something about it," explains Hafberg who studies at the Icelandic Academy of the Arts but is currently on an exchange programme in Kolding, Denmark. 

"Recently in school we had a trend forecasting workshop where I made this concept of mine headlining "Less is more too much". I think it was me putting my ideal way of living down to a single concept, presenting it to others, but I also think (and hope!) that it will become a way of thinking for everyone in coming years. So it's basically is about being able to express yourself in as few things as you can, where determination and confidence is the key element (the new sexy). We live in a world of endless consumerism where people are drowning in things and constantly seek to buy more and more, the newest and the best. And it is ruining us and our planet. Things are not made to last any more, things are made to break so that you can buy more things. And the saddest part is that we all deep in side know that we own too much, and buy too much - and that we don't do enough to to change that," writes Hafberg on her blog. 

Hafberg has worn the same outfit for every occasion, every day. She decided on an outfit that wasn't entirely black so that people would really notice that she keeps wearing the same thing. She washes the clothes by hand. 

"After just one week I can feel a huge difference. I don’t have to use time nor energy on thinking about what I should wear at each given occasion. Do these things go together? Am I overdressing? Are for example questions that I don’t have to ask myself any more, I just know what I am wearing and it gives me such a piece of mind. My time in the mornings getting ready is so much shorter and less worrying. I can feel after just one week that I would like to get rid of most of my stuff and take this on for real, for good. It has opened my eyes for how much stuff and things, clothes and accessories I have lying around, and that in most cases are just unnecessary."

Hafberg wears these clothes every single day.

Hafberg wears these clothes every single day. photo/Júlíanna Ósk


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