Who will fly to Akureyri?

Regular international flights from Akureyri?

Regular international flights from Akureyri? Photo: Skapti Hall­gríms­son

The North Iceland Marketing Office is currently in talks with an undisclosed foreign airline on the subject of international flights to Akureyri (AEY).

Earlier this year, a working group was set up to look into the possibility of regular international flights to Akureyri (AEY) in North Iceland and Egilsstaðir (EGS) in East Iceland.

The group recently met for the first time and will work for three months on various action plans for bringin international flights to these two regional airports. Arn­heiður Jó­hanns­dótt­ir, Managing Director of the North Iceland Marketing Office, is one of the members of the working group.

“We attended an aviation conference in the UK in April. This led to the commencement of talks [on international flights to AEY] with one airline in particular. We have placed an offer on the table,” confirms Jó­hanns­dótt­ir, who is not yet in a position to reveal which airline is involved.

The original article on this topic (in Icelandic) can be found here.

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