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Opinion Articles on Iceland Monitor: Submission Guidelines
Iceland Monitor welcomes submissions of opinion articles on any topic for publication online. Articles need to be of interest to our readers, have some relevance to Iceland, be informative and well written. Topics can range from personal reflections, experiences, and travel stories, to hard-core economy policy analysis, and anything in between.
All submissions must be original and exclusive to Iceland Monitor. We do not accept articles that have been published before in other publications, print or online, including a personal blog.
All submissions are subject to approval by the Iceland Monitor editorial team. We reserve the right to reject any submission without explanation.
We only accept completed articles, but you can contact us with questions about subjects.
Opinion articles should be 400 to 1,200 words. Send your submission to icelandmonitor@mbl.is
Include a picture of yourself, a 50-100 word bio ‘about the author’ and a link to your website, blog, Facebook, Twitter or Linkedin page. You must have permission to publish photographic image you wish to accompany your article, and extend the publication rights to Iceland Monitor.