Reykjavík Global Forum - Women Leaders starts in Harpa today

The Reykjavík Global Forum - Women Leaders starts today in …

The Reykjavík Global Forum - Women Leaders starts today in Harpa.úlíus Sigurjónsson

There will be a lot going on in Harpa conference center when the Reykjavík Global Forum – Women Leaders starts today. This is the fifth time the conference is held here in Iceland but behind the project is the government of Iceland as well as many others. Iceland’s former president, Vigdís Finnbogadóttir, is a special patron for the Reykjavík Global Forum – Women Leaders.

Iceland's Prime Minister, Katrín Jakobsdóttir is one of the female …

Iceland's Prime Minister, Katrín Jakobsdóttir is one of the female leaders at the conference in Harpa. Magnússon

The theme this year is Power, Together for Partnership. The idea is to connect women in leadership positions from all sectors, including politics, business, civil society, academia, the arts and media, to share ideas and solutions on how to work towards female and male equality and to promote and positively develop the number of women in leadership positions.

The Forum attracts a huge number of female leaders and this year Iceland’s Prime Minister, Katrín Jakobsdóttir, the president of Nepal, Bid­hya Devi Bhand­ari, Iceland’s first lady, Elisa Reid, Sviatl­ana Tsik­hanou­skaya, the leader of the government opposition in Belarus,  Sima Sami Bahous the executive Director of  UN Women, Dalia Gry­bauskaite the previous president of Lithuania, Marga­rita Robles Fern­and­ez, the  Minister of Defence in Spain, Marie-Louise Co­leiro Preca, previous president of Malta,  Ann Cairns the executive master chair of  Mastercard, as well as more than congresswomen from all over the world.

Hanna Birna Kristjánsdóttir, one of the founders of WPL Women …

Hanna Birna Kristjánsdóttir, one of the founders of WPL Women Political Leaders.

"It is extremely gratifying to welcome such a large group of female leaders to Harpa and to have the opportunity one more year to present Iceland’s progress in gender equality. Iceland has been ranked as the top country for thirteen years when it comes to equality and internationally it is considered a role model. Women Political Leaders has established itself as the conference for  international female leaders. We know and feel that the event is important and has already brought success," says Hanna Birna Kristjánsdóttir, chairperson and one founder of the WPL.

The conference starts today and ends on November 10 th . Here you can read more about the forum.




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