Icelandic University students oldest and have higher income compared to rest of Europe

Tekjur íslenskra háskólanema voru rúmlega 30% hærri en tekjur í …

Tekjur íslenskra háskólanema voru rúmlega 30% hærri en tekjur í Noregi þar sem þær voru næsthæstar, Ingvarsson

Icelandic University students have more children, are older and have a higher income compared to students in the rest of Europe. Costs undertaken by Icelandic students however are double the average of other European countries. 

This appears in a new European survey published on the Landsbankinn website. 

The average age of Icelanders taking part in the survey was 29.7 whereas the average for Europe was 25 years. Thirty percent of Icelanders taking part in the survey have a child whether only ten percent of other Europen students had children. 


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