Icelandic President speaks about #metoo

Guðni Th. Jóhannesson, President of Iceland.

Guðni Th. Jóhannesson, President of Iceland.

"Hopefully we are at a turning point. Stop, this is as far as this goes, is what's heard all over the world," said President Guðni Th. Jóhannesson on a conference on the influence of #metoo on corporate culture at Grand Hotel today.

He added that we have to listen and to do better. "There are all kinds of normal men, even some of my friends, who complain about the metoo movement saying things like, "can't one do anything anymore" or "is nothing allowed anymore."  To those men I say, no, you can't just do whatever you like, you have to ask permission. May I show you what I was writing, may I use the toothpaste, may I have the milk, may I have a hug."

No means no, he added and that it was time to reject those who are pushy and think they can get away with any kind of behaviour.  "Examples show that women have had to suffer violence and dictatorship for decades."




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