Is Iceland heading for a Pirate government?

63 seats are up for grabs in Iceland's parliament, Alþingi.

63 seats are up for grabs in Iceland's parliament, Alþingi. Photo: Iceland Monitor/Ómar Óskarsson

With just over seven weeks to go until general elections in Iceland, the Pirate Party has pulled into the lead in the very latest opinion poll.

MORE: Politics in Iceland: A beginner’s guide

Roughly three in ten Icelandic voters intend to vote for the Pirate Party – who currently have just three MPs – according to a survey conducted on 6-7 September.

MORE: Who is the new kid on the block in Icelandic politics?

MORE: Leader of Iceland’s right not keen on coalition with Pirates

In second place is the centre-right Independence Party. A string of recent polls have suggested that the Bright Future party may not reach the minimum 5% support level and could lose all six MPs they currently have.




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