Iceland: highest employment in OECD

Iceland's employment rate has increase by 1.9% in just one …

Iceland's employment rate has increase by 1.9% in just one quarter. Photo: Kristinn Ingvarsson

Iceland has both the highest employment rate of any OECD country and the fastest rate of increase in employment, according to a new OECD report.

The report, entitled Employment situation, first quarter 2015, OECD and published last month, gives the seasonally adjusted employment rate for Iceland as 84.1%.

This is eighteen points above the OECD average of 66.1%. Iceland is followed in the list by Switzerland (80.4%) and Switzerland (75.2%).

As well as the overall highest employment rate, Iceland has also seen the greatest increase in employment since the last quarter (Q4) of 2014.

“Among other countries, the largest quarterly increases were observed in Iceland (by 1.9 percentage points, to 84.1%), Turkey (by 0.6 percentage point, to 50.1%), Mexico (by 0.5 percentage point, to 60.7%) and Hungary (by 0.5 percentage point, to 63.0%),” reads the report.

The full news release dealing with the report can be found here.


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