Most Permanent Secretaries now women

Sig­ríður Auður Arn­ar­dóttir.

Sig­ríður Auður Arn­ar­dóttir.

Sig­ríður Auður Arn­ar­dóttir has been appointed as the new Permanent Secretary to the Icelandic Ministry for the Environment and Natural Resources from 1 March.

Arnardóttir read Law at the University of Iceland and has worked at the Ministry for the Environment and Natural Resources since 1998. She has been a Permanent Under-Secretary since 2003, heading various departments within the Ministry and has been Deputy Permanent Secretary since 2007. Arnadóttir will replace the current Permanent Secretary, Stefán Thors, who is moving to the Prime Minister's Office.

Arnardóttir's appointment now means that, for the first time ever, a majority of Permanent Secretaries to Icelandic ministries are women, i.e. five out of nine.

Related article:

38 men and 25 women


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