Nothing has changed in over 40 years

The library at Hotel Holt has a classic feel.

The library at Hotel Holt has a classic feel.Árni Sæberg

“I think I can say that nothing has changed since this room was opened; I certainly haven’t changed anything since I took over,” says Geirlaug Þorvaldsdóttir, owner of Hotel Holt, about the hotel’s venerable Library.

The library was opened in the fall of 1984, but Geirlaug took over the hotel 21 years ago.

“My stance from the beginning has been to completely respect what my parents did and to keep to their style. It was Gunnar Magnússon who designed the hotel from the beginning, in collaboration with my parents,” Þorvaldsdóttir says, whose parents, Þorvaldur Guðmundsson and Ingibjörg Guðmundsdóttir, founded the hotel exactly 60 years ago.

She believes it is very likely that the same paintings are on the walls as in 1984, but as is known, a third of her parents' painting collection can be found at Hotel Holt, while the National Gallery of Iceland preserves two thirds.

Geirlaug Þorvaldsdóttir, owner of Hotel Holt.

Geirlaug Þorvaldsdóttir, owner of Hotel Holt. Magnússon

The leather sofas will remain

The leather sofas in the space are still gorgeous and Þorvaldsdóttir says she has no plans to replace them. "These are very high-quality pieces that just won't wear out. Besides, they have a classic feel to them. There's no point in changing a thing or two here. The library will remain like this – at least as long as the furniture lasts and I can get something done about it. But you never know what will happen after that day. I have a very good hotel manager now who respects this vision. Pétur Ármannsson from the Icelandic National Heritage Institute has visited us and is very happy with this attitude."

As we know, fashion goes in circles and most things that fall out of fashion eventually find their way back into the fold. "As a result, it can be risky to change," she says and smiles.


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