Advises people against unnecessary travel to Grindavík


Grindavík. Jóhannesson

The police in Suðurnes advise people against unnecessary travel to Grindavík.

A statement from Police Chief Úlfar Lúðvíksson says that in Grindavík there is a high risk for all groups, both at night and during the day, as well as in the Svartsengis area.

"In an eruption/explosion area, however, the risk is unacceptable for responders, consultants and contractors, external parties, and tourists. It is recommended against unauthorized persons entering the eruption and explosion area. Patrols are carried out every morning, and during the day, to check whether any protections have been compromised and to repair closures where necessary."

Less warning than last

Geologists have warned that the warning of the next eruption will be even less than the last. It is not certain that seismic activity will be high.

The Blue Lagoon and the Northern Light Inn hotel are open. Escape routes for staff and guests are via Bláalónsvegur Road and Grindavíkurvegur Road.




2 °C


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1 °C

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