Three avalanches fell yesterday
Three medium-sized floods fell in Neskaupstaður last night but did not threaten settlements. The weather is now good in Neskaupstaður and the evacuation in East Iceland is expected to be lifted soon after noon.
This is reported by Ólíver Hilmarsson, avalanche specialist at the Icelandic Meteorological Office's avalanche and landslide watch.
Still some precipitation in Seyðisfjörður
He says the weather is improving but also mentions that medium-sized floods fell from Nesgil, Skágil, and Bakkagil ravines in Neskaupstaður last night but this was only revealed this morning when it got light. The avalanches have gone well out of the ravines but did not threaten settlements.
The Met Office has not heard of any avalanches in Seyðisfjörður but Hilmarsson says that there is still some precipitation there. However, the weather is very good in Neskaupstaður now.
"So we’re waiting for this to go completely down."
Danger level canceled
"The Icelandic Meteorological Office has decided to cancel the danger level in evacuation areas in Neskaupstaður from noon today. All evacuations in Neskaupstaður have therefore been lifted. Residents in evacuation areas are safe to return home and operations at companies in evacuated areas can resume.
The situation in Seyðisfjörður is being reviewed. It can be assumed that evacuations there will be lifted later today," says a statement from the East Iceland police.