Two American children found in Iceland

Icelandic police found the children in a hotel in Reykjavík …

Icelandic police found the children in a hotel in Reykjavík with their mother. Jóhannesson

Two American children, who the police in Canton, Ohio have sought since October 25, 2024, were found in Reykjavík on January 10.

According to a statement from the U.S. Marshals Service, the children are eight and nine years old.

The statement also states that the children's mother, who is 34 years old, and was mentally ill, stopped taking her medication and left her apartment. The children then stopped attending school.

Child protective services in Canton were notified, and they eventually notified the police and the Justice Department's Special Investigations Unit.

From Canton to Denver

The mother's trail first led police to Denver, Colorado. Police then learned that she had flown with her two children to London and then to the island of Jersey.

From there, she went to Iceland and settled in a small town. Icelandic police later found her with the children in a hotel in Reykjavík.

The children were in the care of child welfare authorities here in Iceland, waiting for a close relative to come and pick them up. The children's mother has been admitted to an appropriate medical facility and will remain there until she is well enough to travel back to the United States.




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