Only natural that Frostadóttir will be given the mandate

Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson upon arrival at Bessastaðir today.

Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson upon arrival at Bessastaðir today.ítas

Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson, the chairman of the Central Party, was the fifth chairman to meet with President Halla Tómasdóttir after the result of the elections became clear yesterday. The Central Party had a support of over 11% and is the fifth largest party in the Althingi.

Gunnlaugsson met with Halla in a very short meeting at around 2 pm. Upon arrival at Bessastaðir, he said that he thought it was natural that Kristrún Frostadóttir, the chair of the Social Democratic Alliance, would be given the mandate to form a government.

Sigmundur Davíð and Halla Tómasdóttir, the President of Iceland.

Sigmundur Davíð and Halla Tómasdóttir, the President of Iceland.ítas

He also said that he expects to be in the government just as much as outside it. He said that he had not discussed cooperation with Kristrún Frostadóttir. Asked if he expects to be in the next government, he says.

“Just either way. If the Central Party is in the government, there will be real changes here,” he concluded.


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