Nationals have become 388,790

A total of 388,790 people lived in Iceland at the …

A total of 388,790 people lived in Iceland at the end of the third quarter of 2024.Ófeigur Lýðsson

A total of 388,790 people lived in Iceland at the end of the third quarter of 2024, 199,340 were men, 189,250 were women and 190 were transgender/other. The number of citizens increased by 1,820 during the quarter.

This is stated in the figures of the Statistics Iceland, which states that 248,190 people lived in the capital area, while 140,600 lived in the countryside. Foreign citizens were 67,330 or 17.3% of the total population.

The population estimation method was revised in March 2024 and the time series have now been updated from 2011 onwards.

Births and deaths by quarter

The lightblue line shows births and the darker blue deaths.

Chart/Statistics Iceland

In the third quarter of 2024, 1,130 children were born, while 630 people died. At the same time, 1,300 people immigrated to the country in excess of emigrants. Emigrants with Icelandic citizenship were 140 more than immigrants, but immigrated foreign citizens were 1,430 more than those who emigrated from the country. More men than women emigrated from the country.

A new procedure for estimating the population in Iceland

Statistics Iceland has improved its method for population calculations. Until now, the population has been based solely on the registration of the legal domicile in the national register. The new method is based on a broader base of official data, tax data and student data as well as the national register.




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