Injuries point to foul play

Jón Gunnar Þórhallsson is leading the investigation into the death …

Jón Gunnar Þórhallsson is leading the investigation into the death of a man in a summer house in Kiðjaberg in South of Iceland. Composite image

The police say that injuries to a man in his 40s, who is from Lithuania, have led to suspicions that his death in a summer house in Kiðjabergi in Southern Iceland was caused by foul play.

Four people have been arrested in connection with the case and have been remanded in custody. Two until Wednesday and two for eight days in custody ending April 30. Three of the men have appealed the detention order to the National Court, but one has not.

Does not comment on confession

Jón Gunnar Þórhallsson, a senior police officer at the police in Southland, does not comment on whether there is a confession in the case or not.

"That is something I cannot comment on," he says in an interview with

He says that initially there was a report of an unconscious man. However, the man's injuries indicated that the death was caused by criminal means.

"One of the things that indicated that it was a homicide are the injuries on the deceased."

A field investigation is still ongoing

He says one of the things being investigated is whether intoxication was involved, but the field investigation has not been completed.

According to the RÚV’s website it is stated that the defendants were building a home in Kiðjaberg. Next to the site, a bungalow was rented to the staff where they could hang out while the bungalow was being built.




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