8 months pregnant and deadlifts 135 kilos

Annie Mist is is top form in spite of being …

Annie Mist is is top form in spite of being 8 months pregnant. Composite image

Icelandic crossfit star Annie Mist Þórisdóttir is pregnant with her second child and has been gaining a lot of attention on social media for her workout videos, which she has posted in recent months, where she performs incredible gymnastic and Crossfit workouts whilst pregnant.

Annie Mist is in incredible shape and has published videos of herself doing handstand push-ups when she was six months pregnant, doing cartwheels at 7 months into her pregnancy.

Furthermore she has also published videos of herself doing pull-ups, handstand walk, olympic lifts with a barbell and much more.

The other day she posted a video of herself deadlifting, but Annie Mist, who is now eight months pregnant, lifted 135 kilos. 

Busy time for the family

Annie Mist and her husband Frederik Aegidius revealed that they were expecting another child in October. Their first born, daughter Freyja Mist, was born in 2020.

The family has been busy in recent months, but mbl.is reported last spring that Annie Mist and Frederik had bought a 271 sq meter house in Garðabær.




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