Opened the road to Grindavík for residents and first responders

Grindavíkurvegur road has been opened for residents, first responders and …

Grindavíkurvegur road has been opened for residents, first responders and staff of Grindavík businesses. Jóhannesson

Grindavíkurvegur road, from Reykjanesbraut road to Grindavík, is now open to traffic. The opening-up is only valid for residents of Grindavík, first responders and employees of businesses in Grindavík and at Svartsengi.

This is stated on the website of the Icelandic Road Administration, which states that a new road section has been constructed over the lava flowing over Grindavíkurvegur road during the last three volcanic eruptions. Both at the road junction with Bláalónsvegur road and south of where lava flowed over Grindavíkurvegur road during the volcanic eruption in January.

Closing posts moved

A curve has been made on the road to lead the traffic into Grindavík between the defense walls. The design is such that it is not necessary to fill the gap in the defense walls if lava flows in this area.

Closing posts has been moved at the road leading to HS Orka in Svartsengi and it is possible to drive freely to the Blue Lagoon. In addition, closing posts on Suðurstrandarvegur road have been moved to a P-1 car park at Mt Festarfjall.




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