BBC shares a spectacular video of the eruption

Skjáskot/BBC/Marco Di Marco

The British Broadcasting Service has been sharing a highly-resonant composite video of the eruption at the Sund-hnúka crater. What is particularly striking are the northern lights that shine on the sky over the eruption.

You can see the video by clicking on this link here.

The British Broadcasting Service also shared another video on social media that also shows the volcanic eruption and the Northern Lights.

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Attracted the world’s attention

The volcanic eruption has attracted global attention, as have the six other eruptions that have occurred on the Reykjanes peninsula in the last three years.

Some travel industry operators have expressed concerns about the unintentional use of statements about the risks of volcanic eruptions on the Reykjanes peninsula since December.

The current eruption is the fourth since 18 December.




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