Temperature and pressure are slowly building up

Páll Erland, the CEO of HS Veitur, is hoping that …

Páll Erland, the CEO of HS Veitur, is hoping that this situation will soon be over. mbl.is/Kristinn Magnússon

Getting heat to houses in Suðurnes has been going well in the last 24 hours. Both temperature and pressure are slowly building up and water is flowing through the whole area.

Páll Erland, CEO of HS Veitur, says that yesterday was quite successful. There were three malfunctions in the system yesterday, which were temporarily fixed, and several calls from users up to 2 am last night.

He heard that calls from users have been fewer than expected, but employees of HS and the civil protection pipeline service will continue attend to calls today.

Does it take time for the houses to become hot and the system to stabilise?

“We said it could take a day to get the water started. It’s mostly Sandgerði and Garður that haven’t got the pressure we want to have on the system, but there’s water flowing all over the area,” says Erland, who said he was happy with the situation.

Erland says it takes time for the houses to warm up and the system to stabilise. Users can therefore expect the system to not be fully restored until after about a day, he says, adding that the same applies to the production in Svartsengi.

When asked what the next steps for HS Veitur will be, he replied that the next few days will be used to monitor the system and its users. He says the weather is getting warmer and he hopes that the situation that has been in place for the last few days will soon come to an end.




10 °C


Later today

10 °C



12 °C